Iraqi Army cadre work atop an M1A1 Abrams tank at a tank range on the Besmaya Combat Training Center, where the Advanced Gunnery Training System is located Oct. 19. The AGTS is a large-scale apparatus that puts crew members through computer-generated action scenarios. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army Sgt. Chad Menegay, USF-I DCG A&T PAO)
After finishing their Table VIII qualification run, two 2/7 Inf. tankers clear and clean their weapons before returning to the Multi-Purpose Range Complex motor pool at Fort Stewart, May 28. (Photo Credit: Pfc. Jared S. Eastman, 1st HBCT, 3rd ID Public Affairs)
Soldiers from Company B, 1-30th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, drive a new mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicle, or MRAP, through an off-road confidence course at Camp Liberty, Iraq, Nov. 7, 2007. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Michael Connors)
Training classes for the new mine-resistant, ambush protected Wrecker Vehicle began April 18, 2011, at MRAP University. The towing vehicle is the latest addition to the MRAP family of vehicle and is capable of hauling 81,000 pounds. (Photo: US Army)
Pictured is an MRAP with the improved suspension designed to better tackle some of the harsh terrain found in Afghanistan. (Photo Credit: Courtesy photo)
The new Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle goes for a spin during a training course at Camp Liberty in western Baghdad. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Mark B. Matthews)
Spc. David Looney climbs into the mine-resistant, ambush-protected, or MRAP, All-Terrain Vehicle, during the set-up phase of the Network Integration Evaluation 12.1 exercise scheduled for the first half of November at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. Both Soldiers are from Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division. (Photo Credit: Lt. Col. Deanna Bague, Fort Bliss Public Affairs)
A Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle is loaded onto a C-5 Galaxy aircraft Aug. 16 at Charleston Air Force Base, S.C. Air Mobility Command assists with the movement of MRAP vehicles to U.S. Central Command's area of responsibility as directed by the National Command Authority, the Joint Staff and U.S. Transportation Command. (Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Jason Robertson)
George Bromboszcz, Military Police Gliwice Unit, Warsaw Poland, guides the driver of a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle around cones on the MRAP obstacle course in Grafenwoehr, Germany, May 19, 2010. They are training in preparation to use these vehicles for their deployment to Afghanistan later in the month. (Photo Credit: Spc. Cortnee Falconer)
Soldiers from the 501st Military Police Company begin a road test in one of the five, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, used during pre-deployment training at the Grafenwoehr Training Area Sept. 28. (Sgt. Jason Stadel, Mobile Public Affairs Detachment). (Photo Credit: Sgt. Jason Stadel, 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)
The Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Expedient Armor Program Add-on-Armor Kit for MRAP vehicles was developed to safeguard Soldiers against the extremely lethal threats of improvised explosive devices and explosively formed penetrators. (Photo Credit: Army)
Soldiers from the 16th Sustainment Brigade dismount from a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle during training. The 16th Sust. Bde. trained with the MRAP vehicles Dec. 7-8 in Grafenwoehr. (Photo Credit: Spc. Amanda Rigdon, 21st TSC Public Affairs)
Iraq a Thunderhorse Soldiers of 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Advise and Assist Task Force, 1st Infantry Division, turn in Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Maxx Pro vehicles on Contingency Operating Site Warrior, Iraq, June 27, 2011. After turning in the old vehicles, the unit signed for MRAP Maxx Pro Plus vehicles to prepare them for use in support of Operation New Dawn. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Spc. Kandi Huggins 1st AATF PAO 1st Inf. Div. USDN)
The first shipment of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles arrived at Camp Liberty in western Baghdad and are being fielded to units who operate in areas with the highest threat levels. These are the first of an estimated 7,000 MRAP vehicles expected in theater by early summer. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Mark B. Matthews)
A new mine-resistant, ambush-protected all-terrain vehicle, built specifically for the mountainous Afghan terrain, parks next to a larger MRAP, MaxxPro Dash. The first M-ATVs designated for Southern Afghanistan arrived at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, by air transport, Oct. 22, 2009. (Photo Credit: Spc. Elisabet Freeburg)